
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. When we act otherwise, we are conforming ourself. Some of us force ourselves to be like unbelievers. Paul says to be transformed.

Paul asks you to renew your mind. Read in the negative it will read, if you will not recognise the will of God, or renew your mind and be transformed, you will be conformed. Many times, what we have a problem with is not God’s will, but the fact is that we do not recognise it. We don’t recognise because we are not renewing our mind. You must renew your mind.

Main Office.

Face ecole Annexe D'essos entree anglophone,
Essos Yde, Cameroon
Rue jean Abanda
Mon-Saturday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Contact Info.

Phone: +237 677 880 117
Phone: +237 694 919 229
Phone: +237 680 779 857
Phone: +237 652 854 069

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